I am glad that this verdict is read and now Casey Anthony can finally live in peace.  Well, some of us at least do hope that she is allowed this liberty.  I for one am very happy for the verdict and wish her the very best in life.  This trial sure does send many of my friends and family in different directions in beliefs and in a most explosive way at times.  It is amazing to me how heated people can get about other folks lives, but take very little introspection into their own.  I believe that the fact that this is a child is an amazing reason for all the passion that follows along with the case.  But amazingly enough, there were several other children in that area of the state that were reported missing and their stories went under the radar.  But please feel free to thank your media hounds that send you to all the wrong places with all the wrong facts.
At this present moment, of the children allowed to be listed on the database, there are 251 children still missing in the State of Florida, this is alarming that more is not said about the whole lot of kids of parents that are still mourning for their child.  I mean why just focus on one case?  Spend all this money on one case, this one?  It will never ever cease to amaze me, for through time, crime statistics will show that there have been many other cases of people who for whatever reason didn’t report their children missing, or their other missing loved ones, this is no new phenomenon.  It is certainly an odd thing to do, but surely not one that warranted the death of Casey with this little to go on, well in fact, just a guess to go on.  This I think will haunt me till my dying days why some cases get the bulk of attention when others just get passed over like dirt under a rug.  But that won’t haunt me as much as the communities of people who are acting like the freak zombies that have emerged due to this trial.  That sadly will haunt me for life.
My one wish for the zombies is that they find their way out of the darkness that is called media, cough cough the NG’s of the world, and step into the light of their own minds.  Stop your anger towards Casey and direct your attention onto enriching your own childrens lives and if you have no children, then your nieces or nephews.  If you’re looking for a place to direct your energy, try helping one of the many hundreds of children that are STILL actively missing to this day in Florida alone.
Can you imagine what a group of ex-zombies could do if they had a purpose?  Let’s go you reformed zombies, start helping at any of the below today, start using your energy where it will be used for good.
National Center for Missing Kids
Find Missing Children Organization
Childfind of America

FBI Kidnappings and Missing Persons

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